It’s important to establish a healthy morning ritual, as it sets the tone for the day. It also helps re-energize, builds focus and eliminates stress caused by the chaotic morning rush
Get that body moving first thing in the morning to alleviate any back and neck pain from sleeping and to aid circulation. Stretching will not only make you feel more limber, but will also increase oxygen to your brain to make you sharper.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to struggle, St Kilda based personal trainer Rocco Sorace instead saw the pandemic as an opportunity.
“Before the lockdown, when I used to train clients at the gym, I noticed a lot of my clients didn’t enjoy using the traditional latex resistance bands, because they’d slip a lot, and end up snapping over time,” Rocco said.
“I decided I should develop my own resistance bands, with non-slip stitching, material, and hand grips to prevent slipping and snapping.”
When Melbourne went into lockdown last year, he saw it as “sink or swim”. As all the city’s gyms were forced to close, and he was unable to hold training sessions or teaching workplace wellness Pilates or Yoga classes with clients, he knew he had to do something big for his business to be able to survive.
Between hosting Workplace wellness classes and personal training classes over Zoom or Teams, Rocco spent six months inventing his proprietary design, which he is currently in the process of trademarking.
Roccobands’ first batch selling out in just five hours. Since then, the brand has continued to experience unprecedented demand.
“It’s amazing being able to live the entrepreneurial dream, even through the lockdowns we’ve had over the past year,” Rocco said.
“It can be tricky, especially when you’re dealing with the fitness industry, where and you’re competing with a lot of younger influencers and fitness fanatics on Instagram, but I really believe there’s a market for everyone, and that if you persist, and stay true to yourself and your clients, you’re going to succeed.”
Rocco believes the key to RoccoBands’ success is they are “stronger and better in quality than similar products on the market.”
“With the pandemic, more and more people are working out at home, so these bands really help them take their workouts to the next level,” Rocco said.
“They’re incredibly eco-friendly, because they’re very robust, and are not going to wear out quickly. They’re also very hand-friendly as well, so anyone can use them – even my clients with arthritis, who struggle to use traditional bands and dumbbells.”
At present, RoccoBands are sold as a 3 pack set, including 1 x 1.5 metre light fabric resistance band, 1 x 1.5 metre medium fabric resistance band with handles, and 1 x non-slip medium strength fabric loop “booty” band. Every set also comes with a branded carry bag, and three downloadable workout programs by Rocco.
They can be used at the gym, at home, or outdoors for resistance, flexibility, strength, and personal training, body posture improvement, yoga, pilates, and weight loss.
How running helped my mental health during lockdown 2020
April 2020: I was sitting in my apartment in St Kilda, feeling that I should have purchased a larger home with a backyard but the problem wasn’t the size of my home or lack of yard, it was my mind putting up barriers – negativity – watching the news and listening to other media outlets or people only talking a lot about COVID-19. It felt like just verbal negative vomit…
I get it. You need to be informed on what’s going on in the world especially now – especially if you have a business or small children or older parents – or family interstate or overseas – it’s important – I know – but reading or listening to the same thing over and over again was not doing my mental health any good. I knew the size of my home wasn’t the problem because I love my area and apt because I feel connected, amazing people and vibe even now…
I know people in Melbourne who have large backyards but they didn’t seem that happy either and it is quite understandable during 2020 in these unpredictable times. Everyone is wired differently and people process things differently – I get that. So, I knew it wasn’t in the home, it was my mindset.
I’m a runner but not a long-distance runner by any means. I know this may sound lame but I was watching a movie on a Saturday night called “Britney runs a marathon” based on a real-life story, which inspired me. So the next day I decided to increase my 6 km run to a 10 km – I felt so good post-run, it just kept on increasing my kms – every week – slowly and step by step. One of my friends suggested that I get a fitness tracker so that I can keep track of how much I run each day. If you’re interested in one, make sure to read the Fitbit sense specifications for a more in-depth understanding of the product.
I stopped watching the morning news all the time and started focusing on my online zoom fitness business and my healthy and positive energy was helping me and my business – people were joining up and one beautiful Friday afternoon – I decided to run to the Botanic Gardens near the city – it is with my zone. I couldn’t believe the freedom it gave me within… looking at the beautiful buildings and smelling the spring blossoms… I completed my initial 14 km. I hadn’t run that far for 10 years.
I felt strong and energetic. And I still do!
The next week it was a beautiful Monday in Melbourne and started running to the Tan, the most popular and beautiful running track in Melbourne. I said to myself, it’s a nice day, why not run some kms and posted on my Instagram and Facebook that I just decided to run a half a marathon. If someone told me in February to run 21km in under two hours, I would have said “no way”.
To be honest, the reason why I post so many selfies or videos is to make myself accountable and as a small business owner it does help my brand. Small businesses don’t have huge funds for a marketing budget – and it’s good to practice what you preach… True?
I completed my first half marathon at age 44 – under two hours! Happy days! I still continue my half marathons every week and other smalls runs during the week and am loving it.
During this lockdown, I’ve continued to motivate and help my clients online with my Zoom fitness classes, and to be honest, it’s the same workout as it would be in the studio, but I’m saving them and myself time driving, finding a park, etc. As long as they have a good internet connection they’ll be able to take part. If they don’t, then they may want to check out some suddenlink internet plans or ones like it, because we do not know how long we’ll be in lockdown and our internet will certainly be our saving grace on those bad days.
It’s a win-win I have two screens set up so I can see all my clients and I tailor instruct each client to suit their fitness level or injuries, they take them into account themselves, too. For example if they have sore elbows, they use some of the Top Elbow Pressure Sleeve for Elbow Pain, to make sure they reduce the risk of further injury. I do much less rigorous sessions on them to ensure this too. Nothing can stop them!
During the lockdown I think the running also helped me open up another side of me, which my close friends, who know me well, already knew I had inside of me since childhood…
I decided to start a little comedy video show on Instagram – at first, it was a private account but I keep on receiving messages from people that the videos was the only laugh that they had that day, so I guess I got a little addicted to putting on a wig and during my runs I would smile to myself and think of a 2-minute skit for my video and post it.
Some people who may have been in a dark spot may think I am crazy or really don’t get my sense of humour and that’s cool – it’s not for everyone. I understand.
Sometimes people are afraid to open up their different sides to themselves or to others because they value too much what people think about them. They get too focused on material things and other people to make them happy. However, what 2020 has taught me is – it’s all up to you to feel good about yourself and I know health & fitness is a good way to start as well as not taking yourself too seriously… Who am I kidding – I’ve been following that way of life most of my life, having a laugh, not obsessing about the news, waking up and seeing the beautiful world as it is, if you allow your mind and eyes to see it.
P.S. Not everyone likes running or it may not be good for your knees, so try walking or bike riding instead.
See you soon – and remember to find something or a YouTube video that makes you laugh – it’s good for you!
Remember, if you would like to see some of my videos on Instagram, check out my “other side” – @Caterinafrombayside
Or if you would like to join my Zoom Pilates, resistance band, or Yogalates classes, register here today.
I also recommend the running app Runkeeper. It really helped keep me motivated and on track.
Your Personal Trainer. Over 17 years experience in the health and fitness industry.
Rocco and his friendly team now offer live, virtual, interactive or face-to-face outdoor Personal Training, Group Mat Pilates, Yoga, Band Strength, Core and Stretch and Meditation Classes.
We help boost our clients’ health and wellbeing through Pilates, Yoga and personal training classes. We schedule the sessions for a time that suits your team best.
Good news! Personal training in the Park or Beach can occur – limit of two people plus the trainer. Please contact us on 0412 519 485 to talk about personal training sessions face-to-face or online, group Pilates, Workplace team-building Yoga/Pilates and Band Classes.
Covid19 Safe Mobile Personal Training
Safe and keeping 1.5m distance.
Now masks are mandatory in Victoria.
My clients are required to wear a mask before and after a session but it can be removed for the body of your training session.
I will be wearing a mask the whole time and maintaining safe 1.5m distance. I disinfect every piece of equipment.
The team from Vita health and Fitness are proud of you.
No matter how old or young you are – changing old unhealthy habits can be difficult but with determination and switching your mindset you can change to make the first step in improving your life.
Before and After
Cut Back on Bread. …
Stop Drinking Fruit Juice.
Choose Low-Carb Snacks.
Eat Eggs or Other Low-Carb Breakfast Foods.
Use These Sweeteners Instead of Sugar.
Ask for Veggies Instead of Potatoes or Bread at Restaurants.
Download load my online practical weight loss program!
Three Tips Kayla followed to help achieve results:
Drink 2 litres of water! Drinking water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra kg of water weight.
Cut Carbs and Sugars! Enjoy recipes from Rocco’s cookbook.
Eliminate Sugar-Sweetened Drinks.
Find a Training buddy! Start moving… A good workout partner can also encourage you to go harder while you exercise. If you’re lifting weights together, you can keep each other focused on pushing your limits.
Rocco Sorace, author of the low-carb cookbook “Eat Your Way Slim”, has also created and presented several fitness DVDs such as “The Body transformation program and fitness Pilates which allows everyone to get fit and healthy in the convenience of their home.
To find out more about Rocco Sorace’s training program and weight loss cookbook and fitness DVDs visit
Online weight loss program – Kayla lost 19 kgs in 12 weeks
Looking for a quick and efficient home program to tone and speed up your metabolism?
The new 5×10 Program only takes 10 minutes five days aweek.
5×10 Fitness Program. Start today!
50 Squats
A squat is a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers his or her hips from a standing position and then stands back up. During the descent of a squat, the hip and knee joints flex while the ankle joint dorsiflexes; conversely the hip and knee joints extend and the ankle joint plantarflexes when standing up.
40 Lunges
Lunges For Beginners: How to do a Lunge the Right Way
Start with one leg out in front of you at a comfortable distance where you can maintain your balance and be able to lower yourself down to perform the lunge.
When you lower yourself, go as straight down as possible rather than moving forward.
Keep the knee of your front leg behind the toes of your front foot.
30 Pilates Pointers
Pilates Pointer is a great exercise to work your core, lower back, hamstrings and glutes. A great all round exercise. Remember to keep a neutral neck line.
20 Burpees
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold your arms at your sides and stand with your knees straight. Also, make sure to tighten your abs, keep your back flat, and squeeze your buttocks at the start of each burpee.
Check your position in a mirror or ask a personal trainer for feedback if you are doing burpees at the gym.
Bend at your hips and knees to lower yourself into a squatting position. Hinge forward with your hips and bend your knees slightly to bring your body down lower to the floor. Keep your back straight and your arms in close to your body as you do the exercise.
10 Push Ups
Elbows slightly in!
Place the knees on the floor, the hands below the shoulders, and cross your feet.
Keeping your back straight, start bending the elbows until your chest is almost touching the floor.
Pause and push back to the starting position.
Repeat until the set is complete. Elbows slightly in.
Disclaimer * Note: All information provided by Vita health and Fitness/Rocco Sorace is of a general nature. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Rocco Sorace or Vita health and Fitness harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims. We recommend you consult your doctor health care professional before deciding to change your diet or any new activity program. While the health and fitness industry continues to evolve and change, we have done all we can to check the accuracy of the information that appears within this article cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur afterwards.
It is important to consider your diet and alcohol intake to achieve your fitness goals.
Here are a few tips to help you exceed your personal goal — SWAP IT!
It is estimated that 60–70% of the Australian population does not engage in regular physical activity. The most common reasons as to why people fail to stick to a regular exercise regime include lack of time, inability to get to a gym, lack of motivation, fear of injury, and misconceptions about exercise. Barriers such as these have caused a majority of us to sacrifice regular physical activity, an element that is as vital to our health and well-being as food, water, and shelter.
By taking a closer look at the barriers that keep us glued to our couches, I hope to help anyone out there who is struggling to overcome them.
Here are some common excuses and ways to combat them on days you’re feeling flat:
“I don’t have the energy to exercise.”
It can be a struggle to get moving at times, but I can guarantee that once your body becomes accustomed to regular workouts, not only will your energy levels soar, but sitting still will become the struggle! I remember being new to exercise and sometimes dreading what lay ahead, but before I knew it, I began craving the workouts because I loved the way I felt afterwards.
Happy client Kent.
When we exercise, endorphins (AKA ‘happy hormones’) are produced by and released into the body, causing an overall sense of happiness, relaxation and well-being. So if low energy levels are preventing you from staying active, focus on how fantastic you will feel if you instead were wide awake from working out! “I don’t have enough time to exercise.”
One of the leading reasons many of us fail to stick to a regular exercise routine is the belief that we never have extra time. With the busy lifestyles most of us lead, it can seem almost impossible to fit in a workout every day. However, studies have shown that if we can commit 30 minutes a day to some form of physical activity, our health, well-being and productivity can improve dramatically.
I don’t believe there is anyone out there who is unable to dedicate just a half hour a day to their fitness, even if that means splitting 30 minutes into two sets of 15 minutes or three sets of 10. Whether it be taking the stairs instead of the lift to the office, taking a walk during your lunch break, kicking the footy or playing some Frisbee with the kids after work (I’m sure they would appreciate it!) or hiring a mobile trainer to train you at the destination/time of your choice, there are plenty of ways to keep active throughout the day. “Exercise is boring…”
This is only the case if you choose boring activities! You wouldn’t wear the same clothes all week, or eat the same food every day, so if physical activity is as vital to our well-being as these things, why choose the same boring exercise?
Choose something you enjoy, whether it is dancing, a sport, or having a personal trainer provide you with a program that caters to your likes and dislikes. Ensure that you mix up your exercise routine so you are not taking part in the same activity every day (e.g., Monday night dance class, Wednesday night personal training session, Friday afternoon beach jog/walk). This way your mind stays motivated and your body stays challenged.
Happy Client Louise
“Exercise is too painful”, or “I’m afraid I’ll injure myself”. The old saying “no pain, no gain” is one that should be disregarded completely! Exercise DOES NOT and SHOULD NOT need to be painful to be beneficial and effective. Yes, it may be true that if you are training towards an elite level of fitness (such as an athlete or bodybuilder preparing for competition), you will need to endure a high level of intensive training. However, for those of us who wish to exercise for the sake of general health and happiness, a moderate level of activity will suffice.
Still, it is important that as fitness increases, the intensity of our workouts increase as well to ensure that our bodies continue to respond to the activity by getting stronger and more capable. You can do this on your own by increasing duration of activity, or number or sets per exercise. Alternatively, a good personal trainer will be able to provide a program suited to your goals and adjust it according to increases in your fitness levels.
At NO stage throughout a workout should any pain be experienced, and if it is, the activity should be ceased immediately.
But there’s a difference between the pain of injury and the burn you feel when challenging your body. A great instructor once told a class I was participating in, “This is not pain. This is just necessary discomfort!”, and I think a life of looking and feeling fantastic is worth enduring a bit of “necessary discomfort.”
The barriers mentioned above are only a few of the ones that can prevent us from engaging in regular physical activity, and I have only offered several of the many ways you can overcome them.
The main idea is to work on changing your perspective to get the motivation you need.
Next time you are tempted to put off your workout regimen until tomorrow or next week, remember all of the benefits of exercise awaiting you, pull on those trainers, and get yourself on the track towards achieving the optimal health, fitness and well-being you deserve!
Your Personal Trainer at Home – Bonus Pilates workout.
Rocco is a well known fitness and lifestyle trainer who aims to help men and women of all ages get fit, in their own home with his newest fitness workout program.
He will guide you to tone the body, lose body fat and increase fitness and energy levels which will decrease your stress levels. Your Personal Trainer at Home has been created for you to achieve your fitness goals in the convenience of your own home to get you feeling fit and happy. His sort after program has been created to fit into your busy life
There are four sections to the program, which can be split into five days or can be done all at once. The program consists of: A 10 minute fat burner butt and thigh workout to lengthen and tone your lower body and burn calories A 10 minute upper body workout targeting your triceps, biceps and your back to improve posture A 10 minute interval cardio increasing your heart rate and fitness level Ending with a 30 minute super abdominal workout with fitness pilates which will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and core
St Kilda Mobile Personal Trainer, Rocco Sorace helped client- Louise reached her goal. Going from a Size 14 to a Size 8 in just 12 weeks.
“Rocco the St Kilda mobile Personal Trainer has changed my life forever; in just 12 weeks I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8, in total losing a staggering 10 kilos. My weight loss has turned my life around, giving me the confidence to achieve any thing in life.”
Congratulations, Louise!
“Rocco has changed my life forever; in just 10 weeks I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8, in total losing a staggering 10 kilos. My weight loss has turned my life around, giving me the confidence to achieve any thing in life.
In the past I have tried various diets but found it hard to maintain my weight. Rocco did not put me on a diet but instead introduced me to a healthy lifestyle change, consisting of a healthy eating plan along with regular exercise. Rocco has taught me that you don’t need to go without and that in fact you can eat what you like as long as it is in moderation and you are doing daily exercise.
Rocco is not your average Mobile personal trainer, he goes that extra step to ensure that he has the right training program to suit each client individual needs. Rocco even took me grocery shopping and to a number of cafes to show me the range of healthy options that are available.
Rocco not only focuses on your weight loss but looks at the long term benefits foods have on our body, such as the benefits of choosing to eat organic food.
Unlike a diet, this is a lifestyle change and something which I will always practise. Exercise and healthy eating is not something I think about – it is now a part of my daily routine.
Rocco is not just a mobile personal trainer but also a companion who will guide you every step of the way until you reach your weight loss goal. Training with Rocco was the best thing I ever did.”