The popular Game changer movie on Netflix has changed many of my clients views on eating meat and dairy and resulting in them switching to a plant based diet.
Even I have reduced the consumption on animal products but there is so much information and it may not suit everyone. It can be confusing! I know!
I have reduced eating animal products because of environmental and animal cruelty reasons but that’s my choice. Everyone has there own views and journey and to make there own choice to suit their body and lifestyle.
Check out Fracisco Javier review on on YouTube about The Game Changers is James Cameron’s latest documentary, focusing on plant-based diets. The Game Changers became the focus of controversy before it even came out but few reviews have tried to unbiasedly evaluate its strengths and weaknesses so le’ts put ideology aside and fact-check The Game Changers!!
Please view
References: Fracisco Javier review on Youtube
Gladiator forensics:… Diet and endothelial function:…… Diet, blood lipids and erectile dysfunction:……… Processed plants and animal foods not as healthy as whole plants:… Diet and environmental impact:… Rapid effect of diet on serum cholesterol levels:…
Disclaimer Note: All information provided by Vita health and Fitness/Rocco Sorace is of a general nature. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Rocco Sorace or Vita health and Fitness harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims. We recommend you consult your doctoror health care professional before deciding to change your diet or any new activity program. While the health and fitness industry continues to evolve and change, we have done all we can to check the accuracy of the information that appears within this video cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur after filming.