5 Tips to Lose Body Fat and gain inner Happiness After 30

After 30 the metabolism slows down, so you need to be mindful about the amount and quantity of food you eat.

At the same time, the 30s and 40s are typically the years when career and family demands are high, which means less hours for exercise and maintaining a healthy eating plan. With no time to prepare healthy meals, it becomes tough to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although if you are concerned about nutritious food, you might want to check out online food delivery services like Meal Prep (who are known to offer services like meal prep delivery uk). From choosing a plan type to the food preference, and everything in between, such services can prove beneficial for anyone who desires a nutritious diet but doesn’t have the time to make it himself/herself.

Being healthly at any age, is a lifestyle choice that involves the way you think, eat, shop, and treat your mind and body. It’s about getting the connection between all aspects of your life right.”

While growing up, I experienced how important good fresh food is and how food is the nucleus that brings family and friends together.

So is it impossible for a men woman in there 30s and 40s to lose body fat? Absolutely not! It just takes smart planning and organisation.

Use these tips specifically tailored to address the unique challenges you face when you try to slim down at 30 and beyond.


I can’t stress enough that when you are trying to achieve any goal, you must change your mindset.

Keep in mind that everyone has a unique natural body shape, and as you become healthier, yours will change differently than someone else’s. The first few weeks you may not see a change on the scale, but that may mean you have reduced body fat while building lean muscle. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. Compare you to you.

A good indication to measure your results is to try a pair of your favourite jeans that may be a little tight. After a few weeks, those jeans should fit more comfortably regardless of the number on the scale – that is, if you have followed your cardio and healthy eating plan.

Even if you haven’t followed your new healthy lifestyle to the letter, don’t be too hard on yourself; if you get off the fitness wagon that just means you have to get back on.
2. Plan and reorganise your fridge and pantry.

Reorganise your fridge and pantry, purging guilty-pleasure foods so you don’t fall back into bad habits. Check out my 60 easy recipes from my E cookbook Eat your way Slim.

Eat Your Way Slim Recipe Book

Try a 5 day alcohol-free detox too. Your body will thank you for it. Alcohol has been implicated as a factor that may hinder your efforts to lose body fat. It suppresses fat oxidation, but mainly, alcohol adds calories into your diet, messes with your hormones and can stimulate appetite, leading to even more calories consumed.

3. Control your portion size?

Use a smaller dinner or snack plate so you’re likely to eat less even if you fill your plate to capacity.

Eating out

Order entrée-sized meals with a side of salad or vegetables, and eat those first to fill you up.

Avoid ‘upsizing’ your meal (at fast food outlets, for example).Share a dessert with a friend or family member, or better still, avoid dessert altogether.

When NOT to go food shopping.

Avoid shopping when you are hungry. You may find foods in your trolley that you wouldn’t normally buy.

4. Learn to manage stress.

Our 30s may be the most stressful time in your life. Babies, job stress, and relationship issues can keep you awake at night. But those challenges can cause problems if they are not addressed. Try to relax. You can try cannabis, Order Concentrates Online, or try to take some time off work to do something that you enjoy. Seek professional help if needed. “so balance in lifestyle is key.”

Busy Lifestyle Tip

These days, mediation guides can be obtained from your smartphone or iPad via YouTube. Start with 5 days, doing a mindfulness relaxation every morning and evening.

5. Choose Exercise you enjoy.

Find a supporting gym or activity buddy who will provide motivation as well as companionship. They can remind you of your goals when you’re feeling down.

However, it could become quite frustrating for those who spend hours at the gym each week and eat a healthy diet, only to find that those stubborn areas of fat aren’t responding to all of their efforts. And at the end, they opt for non-surgical body sculpting in Long Beach that target and destroy fat cells without requiring surgery. Body Sculpting is not intended to treat obesity. It removes stubborn fat from the back, arms, abdomen, legs, and other areas. Non-invasive Body Sculpting employs a variety of techniques to destroy fat cells, preventing them from storing fat in the future. It may also include heating, chemical removal, or freezing of the fat cells, and different providers of spa services tend to use different tools and techniques, and a person can pick one according to their preferences and body type.

The most common is body laser sculpting, which uses a laser to heat fat cells while another laser cools the skin. The heated cells are killed and naturally leave your body.

Anyway, you may download my Super body Tone 10 minute home workouts which might help you lose fat at home.

Download Your personal trainer at home workout

Every small positive change we make in ourselves repays us in confidence in the future. – Alice Walker (1944)

Remember at the end of the day the key to unlocking your inner Happiness and Wellness;

“Watch your thoughts for they become words.

Watch your words for they become actions.

Watch your actions for they become habits.

Watch your habits for they become character.

Watch your character for they become your destiny.”

Good luck,

Rocco 🙂

Staying Motivated

How to Stay Motivated


How can we motivate ourselves to exercise daily?

It is estimated that 60–70% of the Australian population does not engage in regular physical activity. The most common reasons as to why people fail to stick to a regular exercise regime include lack of time, inability to get to a gym, lack of motivation, fear of injury, and misconceptions about exercise. Barriers such as these have caused a majority of us to sacrifice regular physical activity, an element that is as vital to our health and well-being as food, water, and shelter.

By taking a closer look at the barriers that keep us glued to our couches, I hope to help anyone out there who is struggling to overcome them.

Here are some common excuses and ways to combat them on days you’re feeling flat:


“I don’t have the energy to exercise.”

It can be a struggle to get moving at times, but I can guarantee that once your body becomes accustomed to regular workouts, not only will your energy levels soar, but sitting still will become the struggle! I remember being new to exercise and sometimes dreading what lay ahead, but before I knew it, I began craving the workouts because I loved the way I felt afterwards.

Happy client Kent.

When we exercise, endorphins (AKA ‘happy hormones’) are produced by and released into the body, causing an overall sense of happiness, relaxation and well-being. So if low energy levels are preventing you from staying active, focus on how fantastic you will feel if you instead were wide awake from working out!
“I don’t have enough time to exercise.”
One of the leading reasons many of us fail to stick to a regular exercise routine is the belief that we never have extra time. With the busy lifestyles most of us lead, it can seem almost impossible to fit in a workout every day. However, studies have shown that if we can commit 30 minutes a day to some form of physical activity, our health, well-being and productivity can improve dramatically.
I don’t believe there is anyone out there who is unable to dedicate just a half hour a day to their fitness, even if that means splitting 30 minutes into two sets of 15 minutes or three sets of 10. Whether it be taking the stairs instead of the lift to the office, taking a walk during your lunch break, kicking the footy or playing some Frisbee with the kids after work (I’m sure they would appreciate it!) or hiring a mobile trainer to train you at the destination/time of your choice, there are plenty of ways to keep active throughout the day.
“Exercise is boring…”
This is only the case if you choose boring activities! You wouldn’t wear the same clothes all week, or eat the same food every day, so if physical activity is as vital to our well-being as these things, why choose the same boring exercise?

Choose something you enjoy, whether it is dancing, a sport, or having a personal trainer provide you with a program that caters to your likes and dislikes. Ensure that you mix up your exercise routine so you are not taking part in the same activity every day (e.g., Monday night dance class, Wednesday night personal training session, Friday afternoon beach jog/walk). This way your mind stays motivated and your body stays challenged.


Happy Client Louise

“Exercise is too painful”, or “I’m afraid I’ll injure myself”.
The old saying “no pain, no gain” is one that should  be disregarded completely! Exercise DOES NOT and SHOULD NOT need to be painful to be beneficial and effective. Yes, it may be true that if you are training towards an elite level of fitness (such as an athlete or bodybuilder preparing for competition), you will need to endure a high level of intensive training. However, for those of us who wish to exercise for the sake of general health and happiness, a moderate level of activity will suffice.

Still, it is important that as fitness increases, the intensity of our workouts increase as well to ensure that our bodies continue to respond to the activity by getting stronger and more capable. You can do this on your own by increasing duration of activity, or number or sets per exercise. Alternatively, a good personal trainer will be able to provide a program suited to your goals and adjust it according to increases in your fitness levels.
At NO stage throughout a workout should any pain be experienced, and if it is, the activity should be ceased immediately.
But there’s a difference between the pain of injury and the burn you feel when challenging your body. A great instructor once told a class I was participating in, “This is not pain. This is just necessary discomfort!”, and I think a life of looking and feeling fantastic is worth enduring a bit of “necessary discomfort.”
The barriers mentioned above are only a few of the ones that can prevent us from engaging in regular physical activity, and I have only offered several of the many ways you can overcome them.


The main idea is to work on changing your perspective to get the motivation you need.


Next time you are tempted to put off your workout regimen until tomorrow or next week, remember all of the benefits of exercise awaiting you, pull on those trainers, and get yourself on the track towards achieving the optimal health, fitness and well-being you deserve!

Your personal trainer at home workout





Flat Stomach Fast…

Flat Stomach Fast…

If you want to prepare yourself for the summer or just want to always look good no matter the season, follow our simple and basic 5 tips for a flat stomach. You won’t believe how some easy things to do and some simple routines to keep impact your body in a powerful way. You won’t look just good, but you will also be healthy, which is very important.

1. Drink lots of water
Water is very important for hydration of our body and for cleaning the toxins out of it. Specialists say that you need around 8 glasses of water per day (that is almost 2 liters). Besides hydration, it helps with burning the excess fat of and you won’t be tempted to overeat, as drinking lots of water helps you feel full.

2. Don’t overeat
Maybe you have a busy life and you barely have time to eat, and when you get to it you overeat from hunger. Put yourself on the first place and no matter what is happening in your life try to eat around 5 small meals per day. Even snaking from time to time can be good, but be careful what you take in, avoid simple carbohydrates. Our body needs vitamins and minerals and also proteins as eggs, meat and fish.

3. Run, exercise and walk when you can
Even if you can’t go to the gym, go out and run! Run 15-20 minutes per day, do some stretching, breathe some fresh air. If you don’t have ambition, take a friend with you, you’ll have fun and they’ll thank you too. Don’t forget to walk when you can, don’t take the car to go just 1 kilometer with it to visit your friend. The abs in the picture below are also a very good idea

4. Eat healthy
Take white flour out of your diet, eat more whole grain products. Avoid unhealthy sugary drinks and beers. Eat cucumbers, do an easy detox diet, drink lemon water and take the fast food and sweets out from your diet.

5. Be happier
The last tip is to be happy and laugh from the depth of your heart and stomach. Be positive and you will change the way you see life, enjoy family and friends and find good things in the worst situations. Laugh with passion, laugh hard from your stomach and you will enjoy an awesome life and a flat stomach!


Due to the sedentary nature of many occupations in developed countries, many people now lack physical activity in their everyday work. According to McEachan, Lawton et al. (2008) this lack of physical activity can lead to work-related illness and prolonged recovery as well as increased morbidity and mortality. However, they also highlight that the workplace can be an ideal setting for health promotion as the majority of adults spend approximately 8 hours a day at their workplace, offering an efficient way to engage people in physical activities.
Workplace physical activity initiatives are a good investment as employees’ health is directly related to the costs of sick leave and absenteeism. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) workplace physical activity programs can reduce sick leave by up to 32% and increase productivity by up to 52%. Poor employee health and absenteeism is costing Australian businesses 7 billion dollars annually (Medibank Private, 2005). Active workplaces are seen as being more socially responsible and improve corporate image


Happy client

Pilates is very enjoyable and a great alternative to sitting at your desk!!

Pilates helps improve muscular and postural strength which is ideal when working in this environment.

Rocco’s relaxed approach and enjoyable sessions make it a great way to spend your lunch break on a Monday afternoon.


Human Resources Coordinator

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The Royal Children’s Hospital
Work- Place Fitness Classes Offer
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My Story

Rocco Sorace – Vita Health and Fitness, Australia

My Story

When I was in high school in Adelaide, I struggled with the subject
English – writing was not one of my strengths. My parents kindly hired
a tutor. When I told my English teacher that I was receiving tutoring, she
cruelly responded by saying that she believed it was “too late” for me
to improve my grammar. I was unaware back then that I was actually
dyslexic. Fortunately I didn’t listen to my teacher’s negative comments
and I continued to see a tutor.

Fast-forward many years – when I published my first cookbook “Good
Food Good Life” in 2007, I sent a copy to my former English teacher and
wrote a personal note: “See it’s never too late. Happy Cooking! Rocco.”
We all have our own hurdles to overcome, but with persistence and
surrounding yourself with people who support you, anything is possible if
you choose to put the effort in.

High school for me was not the most pleasant place or time of my life. I
was bullied from the morning till the end of the school day and received
little support from my teachers. I had two choices: either sit around
feeling sorry for myself, or get motivated and find my passion. I chose
the second option and have never looked back. Fitness and healthy
cooking helped me to focus on feeling good.

We all have our different stories, and we all cope with our challenges
differently. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but one thing I know
is that we all want to feel good about ourselves inside and out. In
mastering anything new, the journey always starts with practice.
Once you start looking after your mind and body, you can take control of
your own happiness.